Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Haircut

I put shears to John's shaggy locks this morning -- for the first time. It added about 5 months in 2 minutes. Now he's a little boy. (A little boy with a jagged Mom-cut, that is.) June keeps saying he looks just like the boy in the Nutcracker, who (poor thing) also had a bowl cut and blond hair.

But he's beautiful. And goofy. And growing. And oblivious, thank goodness.


  1. He looks beautiful --- and that blond hair !!! He's happy too. I think he likes his new hair cut. :)

  2. Like father like son. That's the same haircut Jeff wore for at least 4 years. He's gorgeous.

  3. It is just so sweet that he is so pleased with himself!!

  4. Alice, Mom told me about your blog so I looked it up! You are so smart recording all these events. They will be such a treasure for your family! Too bad our moms didn't do this! But we do have such great memories. Once when Evelyn and John were bored, I suggested spying on our dog. Do you remember spying on your cat? I will definitely keep up with you better now!!
    Take care!! Your old friend, Sally

  5. Um, that is not John! Where is the baby?? Who is that handsome little imposter?? :)
