Monday, January 10, 2011

Colorado Hookey

It is cold in these parts. Really cold. But blue-sky beautiful, mixed with heavy snow hanging on the trees. Every winter, I vow to get out more. It does get easier as the kids get older... With that goal in mind, we played hookey from school last Friday for an adventure into the mountains. We caught the sunrise as we drove towards ski lessons for two, and a hike/ski/sled-ride for the rest of us.

There was one hour when I seriously questioned my judgment. It was the hour when I handed my sensitive, hysterical daughter over to the fairly insensitive, laissez-faire, 20-something ski instructors. She was terrified, and they were heartless - to my mother bear side. But between her schizophrenic mind (I'm doing it! I'm NOT doing it! I'm doing it! I'm NOT doing it!), and one instructor who finally gave her some attention at the right moment, she did it. And had no regrets.

So it was a day to remember. My favorite kind.


  1. I'm reading/looking at,thinking about this with a smile on my face. :)

  2. I am cold just thinking about it.....and I wonder what she did! Can guess.

  3. I've not visited you here in awhile, but what a good one I chose to come back to! While I was at it, I read back through many from the season. Love them! And love these pictures in particular. Your new camera????
