Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An Intoxicating Winter Skate

I recently experienced a form of intoxication with my youngest two, ice skating beside train tracks.  Our trip to the rink was heavy with bickering.  The oldest kids ditched the whole thing to warm themselves in the library across the street.  Their dad drew the short stick and joined them.  

After a long search for skates that fit and lacing them with frozen fingers, June and John and I were transported.  Instantly, we entered some psychedelic world of slow movement, misplaced music, spinning, sliding, holding hands, bumping, clinging, gazing, falling, lifting, floating.  And when I thought my senses could absorb no more, a huge train billowed by, hovering feet away from our own oval tracks.  It was Raoul Dahl meets the Polar Express.

All we could do was stop and stare.  And then tell the others all about it over hot chocolate.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Holidays: Oh, Holy Night

Without a doubt, there is magic swirling around indoors during the holidays.  A catch-it-if-you-can variety in our household.

But, after a fresh dusting of snow, I feel lucky to step outside.  To breathe in the mystery and the cold air.  To glimpse at our home from the outside in.  To take a short walk up the empty street.  The lines blur and the sounds are amplified in the darkness, laced with white lights and the glow of the moon on snow.  

I do feel lucky to witness the mystery and the magic, both outside and in.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Holiday Creations: Suspended Art

Creativity came easily to us this holiday in the oh-so popular form of "suspended art." We had banners, flags, ornaments, paper chains, lights of course, snowflakes, ribbons, stars, and wreaths.  Even children (see below), all hanging from high places.

Below is a sampling of our work.  Mind you, these are pretty simple creations.  Basically, it's "grab something that looks holiday-ish, and hang it."  But, I do like suspended art.  It keeps one looking up!

Paper snowflakes:

Paper Stars:

Sawed off pieces of branches with drilled holes in the middle, hung by cordaged ribbon (wow, Clara!):

Musical stars and balls:

Pine cones and odd shapes of foil and tape:

Mexican balls on a branch:

Spruce needles, gold ribbon and stars:

Paper chains:

And, last by not least, John: