Wednesday, September 5, 2018

And now we hike 14-ers: Long's Peak

And now we hike 14-ers.

Will and I made it to the top of Long's Peak this weekend.  His silhouette on the highest point seems to reflect the dreams and ambitions of a strong, capable young man in his sixteenth year.

Meanwhile, my own silhouette would not likely evoke the same adjectives.  Maybe "ambitious" would fit...

But, we both made it.

We hit the summit at 8:26am.  Glorious.  I conquered some fears.  And my advanced years gave me patience and confidence to take it one step at a time.

Now onward.

Saturday, July 28, 2018


I know I saw whooping cranes.  We were in Montana, between Missoula and Bozeman.   I'd been driving for a couple of hours, but the sun was just coming up.  There were two of them, on my right.  The kids were fast asleep.  I wish I could go back, stop on the side of the road, and wake everyone up to see.

But the cranes were so still, and quiet.  So unbelievably tall.  They faced the sun, as if in worship.  At a glimpse, they looked human.  About 5 feet tall, arms/wings tucked in.  Motionless in a field.

All I have is a picture of the sunrise, so they remain as ghosts.  But, that moment.  Catching my breath as I saw them.  Knowing it was dreamlike, but real.  I'll remember them forever.

Friday, July 27, 2018


The backroads of Montana. This photo will stand alone.