Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Place at the Table

Today, we made space at the table for John. Previously, he ate off the dishwasher. It was the perfect fit. While the others kiddos lined up on their stools, I'd set John at my feet, open the dishwasher, pour on the cheerios, and in fourth child fashion, he'd happily scoot right up. The sad part is that though we gave away our high chair after June outgrew it, I've had this little seat in the storage room all along.


  1. Wouldn't want to miss that face at the table!!!

  2. Too adorable.I can tell JUNE really likes for him to be there :).

  3. What an expressive baby! Your mom shared a recent adorable picture of John where I was struck my his HUGE eyes, so much like his sister's! Having fun here with Lia (9) and Locke (6)! We'll be doing many Easter and other crafts!
