Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sea Glass

Will made a collection of sea glass from the beach. (Clara and June were collectors, too, but more in the form of imitation.) Will prefers sea glass to shells. In a previous trip to Mexico, he spent hours looking for it every day, scouring the beach in his enchanted five year old way. He ended up with a huge beautiful bag full that he left in a taxi the night before going home. I was so crushed I cried. He was so crushed that he showed no emotion whatsoever.

This year, our collection made it home.

Hard to believe those are his long, beautiful seven-year-old fingers!


  1. Oh, lovely! And yes, amazing that a 7 year old has such grown-up looking hands! That reminds me: hand portraits--I need to make some of my grandchildren's. I've had an idea for several years of taking a picture of my hand, Kathy's, and Lia's: a study that would be so fascinating. But not now, needing as I do so badly a manicure!

  2. Alice, I love this post and the pictures too - the one with sea glass in the air, the shadow of hair behind it - so unique. Will's hand holding precious sea glass - oh, my! I love anything pertaining to Will --- or Clara - or June - or John :)>
