Friday, March 26, 2010

A Line in the Sand

We made a line in the sand, and then ran sprints to the volleyball net. It was a good 50 yards. We ran it over and over and over. Will was especially determined to win. There is a lot at stake:

If (when) Will beats Dad: Jeff will take Will to dinner to his restaurant of choice.
If Will beats Clara: He'll take her to Pearl Street Mall for the day.
If June beats Clara: She'll take her to the Little Park to play.

The race continued up the steep hill to our house, leading the cart.


  1. That one of whichever daughter alone in the pink bathing suit: I can just SEE a painting that Linda might do of that one. Just gorgeous. And I love pictures of children taken behind them!

  2. Who won? What happened? I love these pictures - an idyllic vacation, it seems to me --- if you could just SNAP YOUR FINGERS to get there and back!
