Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall Ride

When John and June and I hike, it's hard not to narrate a bit.  I tend to point out a tree or a bird or a flower.  With the older ones, however, I have the sense to keep quiet.  They don't need narration.  They need the opposite from me.  

But what a lucky half hour I had, to ride with them in silence through yellow aspens and showering fall leaves.

I could tell that Will caught the reverence, but he didn't say much.  Clara, on the other hand, actually made me stop:  "Mom, you've got to turn around."  I'd almost missed the view.


  1. Went to the museum today and I couldn't look at the art because a curator or helper wanted to discuss each piece with me...thoughtful, but sometimes quiet is better! Love those views!

  2. Those views take my breath beautiful ... and no breath means no talking :).
