Thursday, February 20, 2014

Phases: What's In

I always find it interesting, even helpful, to take a snapshot of our present lives in the form of "what's in."  What holds our attention and our affection? Subsequently, what doesn't?  What we are drawn to? Where we are stuck?  What captures each person's attention is rarely a big ticket item.  Our attachments really seem to be reflections of ourselves, and are generally pretty simple.  So here is what's in today:

John seems to feel most himself when wearing this bell.

June just loves her chicken.  Always.

Clara recently acquired a new swim cap and most people in her world know all about it.

If anyone touches Will's egg shakers, he turns into a wild animal.

I cannot do without my little blue book.

And Jeff loves his new dustbuster.


  1. You have me reflecting and thinking and I am not sure what it is...maybe a book from Amazon at the front door.

  2. This blog is IN for me! I love it!!! :).
