Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beauty: Pre-Spring Flowers

In good "Portlandia" fashion, I spend brainspace thinking about the pros and cons of buying cut flowers.  Here's how it goes:
  • Isn't having tulips in your house in the winter kind of like buying blueberries from Chile in December?
  • Were the flowers grown organically?
  • How far did they travel?
  • Shouldn't I forage some artistic looking sticks or cattails or pine cones instead?
  • Shouldn't we spend our money elsewhere?
I do have a ritual of planting Narcissus bulbs before the holidays, which are beautiful for weeks.  Then they sit in our house for many more weeks in the form of the lump pictured above because I can't toss the green.  Jeff loves them.

In the end, I broke down and just bought some flowers already!  I opted for the sweet, delicate cheap variety:  daisies and things that keep well when they dry, though I avoided the non-native "baby's breath" that we once saw rangers furiously trying to clear around Lake Michigan one summer.

I must say that the dose of color and smell and sense of life are doing the trick.  And they are a reminder of the bounty to come.  Right outside the door.


  1. Fresh flowers always are a lift. I am too thrifty, but never w flowers. More than that, you can sketch them over a cup of coffee or tea.

  2. While I was gone on my recent trip, I forgot to ask anyone to look in on my house plants. I came home to one that looks EXACTLY like the one in your first picture. Boo Hoo. I wonder if it will revive now that I've watered it. I don't think so. Surprisingly, my other plants look good - makes me think I may have been watering THEM too much.
