Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kid Spirit: Double Standard

Yesterday, as I wandered over to Will's soccer game, I heard Clara shout, "Lets goooooooo Juuuuuune!" and she sped down a hill.  Then June squealed, "Lets have some fuuuuuuun!"  John raced after them so fast his little legs could't keep up and he tumbled into the field.

I marvel at that kid spirit and joy.  I must confess, however, that the same spirit can bowl me over in other ways.  Dinnertime, getting everyone to settle down is maddening.  Then it is a rare moment that only one child is talking.  More often, it's all four at once.  And spirit takes on a whole new meaning when everyone fights.

As with all parenting, it's a continual balancing act.  I am not super skilled at keeping a lid on  enthusiasm.  The energy shows up in photographs where the kids look so happy, but the blur exposes a touch of insanity.  Sometimes it does feel like that spirit is consistent with love and sharing, but other times, it seems counter to all awareness and consideration.   

I guess my goal is to cultivate thoughtful joy, and to work on that myself.  And then just to embrace those "running down a hill" moments when there is nothing to do but admire.

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