Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Road Not Taken

It's funny that parenting can be lonely given how common parenting is. On days when I feel that I'm in my own little universe, it is helpful to remember that millions of parents surely must have had the very same thoughts as I do, such as:

Thought #1: How can I spend all day trying to create order, yet the day's end looks and feels like chaos?

Thought #2: In any given situation, which is better: try to model kindness or play the stern parent role? (I brood on this one a lot.)

Thought #3: The right answer to #2 has got to be the one I did NOT choose!


  1. Trust your instincts and keep trying. This is a hectic time of year -- brings out the stress in almost everyone :).

  2. Another thought --- get a babysitter and do something peaceful for yourself :)

  3. I always felt I had to sacrifice my being adored and loved to do what was right for the children. Not certain ever.
