Saturday, November 20, 2010

Giving In

Lately, I am aware of the many moments when our kids are in suspended animation. It seems so unnatural, but at the same time, these circumstances are necessary to get from a to b, or just from hungry to fed:
  • John, strapped down in his carseat (it always seems so unnatural) just waiting to get where we're going and be taken out. Or if we're already home, waiting there as I cart groceries and such from car to kitchen.
  • The girls, standing before us at night with mouths wide, waiting to get their "finish" for brushing teeth.
  • Everyone waiting for turns.
  • June, holding my hand, just looking around while I chat with other moms.
  • John, strapped in to his stroller, waiting for a push.
  • John and June, strapped into the burley behind the bike.
  • The kids sitting at the dinner table, waiting to be fed.
  • John and June sitting behind a wheel in a grocery cart, with the cruel illusion of being in charge.
I prefer to feel in control of my life, and really want my kids to be in control of theirs, too, but a little bit of giving in sure helps everyone's sanity. Most often, the kids are in motion, in charge of their fate (with a small f). But in these moments when they're so vulnerable and dependent, I want to cuddle them up and say thank you, for choosing not to fight my dominion!


  1. It's a "timing" thing, I guess. It's nice that you're in charge now. Just wait :).

  2. Good observations....and so sweet that the two little ones have each other...and other groupings also of course.
