Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where's John?

John is always very near. If not on the hip, he's usually within a 3-foot radius. But as is often the case with humor, Jeff and I find great entertainment when we pretend that our current reality is the opposite of our reality. In other words, when we pretend (all within the bounds of safety, of course) that our kids are part of a crowd, rather than the little beings that we constantly see, hear, feel, see and even smell.

With this in mind, we play a game much like "Where's Waldo?" Below are a few pictures where John blends into a crowd. (Usually, he's in some altered state, like sleep or desperation.) See if you can find him, or in the last one, Will and Clara. The answers are at the bottom of the page.

Where's John?

Where's John?

Where's John?
Where's John?
And for a slight twist, where are Clara and Will?
1. In the stroller, asleep, behind the crowd at the back of the pool.
2. Asleep in the burley while the rest of us enjoy breakfast on the patio.
3. That's him climbing up the yellow slide.
4. That's John following his muse across a field of grass.
5. Will and Clara are dangling their feet off the bottom right balcony, watching bikers attempt to cross a pond. (See bonus photo below.)


  1. 'Couldn't get the pictures to enlarge, so I didn't win the "game." Remember Felix the Cat
    calendars we used to have? Same idea:).

  2. That is tooooo hard (difficult) :*)

  3. Like Sherron, I couldn't get them to enlarge, so I couldn't really play the game, but how much fun this is! Very clever post!
