Monday, September 13, 2010

Big Wildfire, Little Things Part III - Will

In the wake of Boulder's Four Mile Canyon Wildfire, Will's conduit to understand loss come in the form of things that seems replaceable, but are oh so not:

Will found a magic wand in the woods that has since been lost, then found, then broken, then glued back together to perfection. It holds lots of mystery and power. In addition, a particular key (found in our pile of lost keys to who knows what) is quite special to him right now. He and a friend scout out every lock at school to see if it will fit.

So these two items are currently most precious to Will. Something to keep in mind on future holidays and birthdays.


  1. Very difficult to duplicate or surpass these more mental than physical treasures :).

  2. Whut to do w a sensitive son! How to rise to occasions so mysterious.
