Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Storm Before the Calm - Part II

As I turn our house upside-down, I am fascinated by the enthusiasm the kids have thrown themselves into simple projects.   Honestly, I think it is a primal coping mechanism.  "When mother creates total chaos around us, burrow into simplicity."  So during this stay-home-and-clean-out-the-house week, the kids have communed with a couple of projects:

1 - Melty beads.  I confess that at one time I shunned this project.  It's pure plastic and it involves a hot iron with mixed results and subsequent tantrums.  But, I bought a big tub to keep the kids occupied, and they have been occupied all right.  For hours.  Mostly the girls (good for their bonding), but Will, too.  (John, of course, is a whole other matter.  I pretty much have to spend my "cleaning out" time keeping him away from the melty bead projects, but as I stated in my previous post, I've adjusted my ambitions.)

2 - Friendship bracelets.  The kids have used up all my embroidery thread (which may be a sign), and we've taken a trip back to JoAnn's Fabric to buy more.  A lot more!  Their wrists are currently adorned with color, and are even storing bracelets for others.  They strut around all jeweled up and with their ongoing projects safety-pinned to their clothes.  (That's what they do to create tension in the string while they fix them up.)

So, friends and family.  These works of art are coming your way so that you, too, can find them some day in your hidden drawers and closets when you turn your house upside-down.

1 comment:

  1. I also have avoided the melted bead projects but seem never able to toss products mailed or given to me by children. And one can never have too much embroidery thread although the needle holes are never big enough for me. I should stick to the Friendship Bracelets. I got the girls new bead boards but didn't show them...must want to keep for myself.
    Ever onward.
