Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Parade

We attended a memorable holiday parade on Saturday. This particular year it was memorable not so much for the fire trucks, the Chinese dragon, the happy bikers and the cub scout groups as for Jeff's restaurant comedy routine. A free man, he stood behind us, on the other side of a glass window, and dined on ribs with a front row seat to view his candy-driven children. Here and there, Clara or June would run in and grab a bite before coming back out to see the guide dogs-in-training or the dancers. John couldn't decide. He cried with me wanting inside, then cried with Jeff wanting out. Mostly he stood wearing his party beads at the restaurant door.

It never works to have a picture-perfect idea of these events anyway - our family cuddled together in a neat row, holding hands, loving glances. So, instead, I'll take the funny: my husband kicking back, drinking a beer, enjoying the food and the family, from afar!

1 comment:

  1. I am planning to let one candy-driven child string gummy bears and marshmallows and gumdrops on dental floss for a tree garland. I never buy grandchildren candy but I am looking forward to see what happens...if she can remain a professional worker at age 4. You painted a very visible portrait of the parade experience.
