Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shell Bags

We've just come home from Mexico. It was a trip seeking simplicity, on the beach or in a pool. My goal was to strip away all things except bathing suits, and all thoughts not about the present moment.

Packing, however, was quite the opposite. It was all about gathering things and thinking of the future!

But in the midst of that shuffle, I was determined to make shell bags for the kids. I wanted them homemade, basic, accessible, and unique. Although June ditched hers for dancing on platforms instead, Will filled his with sea glass, and Clara filled hers with shells.

I was glad I made them, even if it meant bringing more stuff to Mexico and finishing them minutes before we first put our feet in the sand.

(This is Will in his present moment, making a sand angel.)

(This is Clara in her present moment, sizing up the sea.)


  1. Those are lucky shell bags - no matter what they hold or don't hold. Pure Bliss !
