Friday, October 15, 2010


In our household, we have much to celebrate. Most recently, it was Jeff's slug birthday. Let me explain:

It all started with Will. When he was I think 3, he decided he was part tiger, which has stuck for, oh about a decade? But everyone caught on. A huge percentage of our conversation is consumed by talk about being 1/2 tiger, 1/2 dolphin, 1/2 horse, 1/2 eagle, 1/2 snake, 1/2 cat, 1/2 dog... (It's a great study in fractions.) Each animal association brings special powers, sensitivities, and insights. Jeff has caught on with some of the more obscure animals such as slugs, sloths, guinea pigs, worms.

The exciting thing is that all these alter-egos have birthdays! All you have to do is say, "Today is my jellyfish birthday," and shazam! Cupcakes for everyone!!!

It helps that one of Jeff's co-workers makes and sells amazing cupcakes on the side. She started her own "Be Sweet Bakery". As regular customers, the kids can generally pull off a birthday every month.


  1. Oh what fun to live in a house that has slug birthdays celebrated w chocolate cupcakes. Lots of fun!!

  2. Yum --- almost as good as strawberry cupcakes on 1/2 birthdays.
