Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NOT our Best Adventure

On the heels of our magical biking trip, we had a very unmagical adventure over the weekend. It went like this:
  • Determine on Saturday morning to go camping;
  • Spend all morning packing up;
  • Drive to the store to get missing gear;
  • Drive to the store to get stuff for s'mores;
  • Stop by home to pick up yet more things we forgot;
  • Head to the mountains, finally;
  • Meet "Campsite full" sign #1;
  • Meet "Campsite full" sign #2;
  • Meet "Campsite full" sign #3;
  • Meet "Campsite full" sign #4;
  • Go on a meager consolation hike.
  • Go home. With a migraine. And throw up.
Embarassingly enough, we had (roughly) the same experience about 7 years ago. Hopefully this time we learned our lesson, again, and will not repeat the adventure any time soon. OK, ever.


  1. We did something similar and we never learn!

  2. Oh no! Come with us to Vidavoo (sp?) sometime! It's always open. Hugs! (come swim soon!)
    (it's Ellen - on Paul's computer!)
