Monday, February 11, 2013

This is How We Cook

I have a friend who recently made some amazing sweet potato crepes.  It rivaled my first taste of a chocolate crepe on the streets of Paris years ago, when I proceeded to stuff jars of Nutella into my suitcase home, only to find it stacked on the shelves at Safeway.

This time around, I thought I'd attempt to share such goodness with my family.  So, the procession began:
  • On Thursday night, I gathered obscure groceries, like Farmer's Cheese.
  • On Sunday, I went back to the store to get whole milk.
  • On Wednesday, I baked four potatoes.
  • On Thursday, I blended up crepe mix.
  • On Friday, Jeff brought more home eggs.  I lacked one.  (I accidentally composted my last yolk instead of the whites as called for in the recipe.  I was double-tasking, cooking and talking to my sister on the phone.)
  • On Saturday, I made crepes.
When I woke, the sun was shining so beautifully onto my cutting board, it cried out for some creation.  Similarly, John was crying out for food.  I figured I'd be fast.  After all, those cooked potatoes and the crepe concoction were patiently sitting right in the refrigerator, in bowls topped with plates as they had been for days.

However, John and the others' stomachs were not quite so patient.  Multi-step breakfasts sometimes don't do the trick.  Everyone persevered, sort of.  Will bided the time doing math:  how can 13 crepes  be split between 6 people with differing preferences.  He was ultimately my biggest fan, claiming they rivaled our Valentines Day crepe dinner. (Another story.)

The leftover filling still sits in my refrigerator, this time in actual tupperware.  I'm just waiting for sunshine to inspire.

PS - The recipe for "Jacob's Blintzes" is in Deb Perelman's inspiring cookbook, The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.