Monday, August 27, 2012

Old Routine: The Library

I always feel like a good parent when I go to the library.  Even if I chat excessively with other mothers, get overly absorbed in my own book, or check messages on my phone, there we are.  Surrounded by books.  Listening to Melody, who has read to my kids for 10 years!  Ten years!

Melody is a local celebrity among Boulder moms.  She can make any book intriguing.  Every Monday morning, she sings, stomps, laughs, cries, gurgles, shakes, jumps and humbles us all.

She introduced a book to Will that changed his life, at 4.  After reading "Saint George and the Dragon," he became a "noble knight" for an eternity.  It was his cover.  To this day, he dabbles with covers (don't we all?), but noble knight may forever be my favorite.

Our latest family trends at the library go like this:
  • June brings home fairy books.  Anything with a sparkly, enchanted looking nymph on the cover captures her completely.
  • Similarly, John brings home train books.  His magnet takes the form of shiny blue engines.
  • Clara likes comics, preferably Peanuts, but also Calvin and Hobbs.
  • Will gets books-on-tape.  He has plenty of books at home, but to him, the library means vocal companionship.  He has always been a book-on-tape guy.  This summer, he clocked hours, listening and sketching.  It could be his current cover.  It certainly is a passion, and you can't deny that.
I am thankful for libraries, for Melody, and for giving me that time to feel simply like a good parent.


  1. I loved this post about the library. I loved our library in a small SW Kansas town, and I loved going there with my mother, although no one ever read stories to young children there. Here in Columbia I have gone to storytime at the library with my grandchildren. That is a treasured memory. (Your mom is a college friend of mine and recommended reading this post.)Nancy M

  2. As the librarian grandma of this brood I am overjoyed to hear this reflection. Love, Grandma H
