Sunday, June 8, 2014

Attending to Tudio

John has an imaginary friend.  (Pictured above.)  I love him.  His name is Tudio.

Tudio gets lots of attention.  (Who wouldn't with a name like "Tudio.")  For example, Tudio needs his own car seat.  He gets a special bed on the floor, sleepover style.  Tudio sometimes needs his own chair at a restaurant.  Tudio sets fashion trends and passes along recommendations.  Tudio travels far and wide.  Tudio happens like pancakes and chocolate milk.  He needs his own plate and cup, and always empties them both.  Tudio really likes vitamins.

Coddling Tudio is a slippery slope.  It's hard not to, but he appears at opportune moments.  Busy moments.  Moments when some people aren't getting much attention.  Or moments when food is involved.

All in all, Tudio is sort of a fifth child.  I rejoice that he exists, and he really tests my limits.


  1. Oh, that beautiful scene! Was that Cabo? I wonder if Tudio is still around. I don't remember getting to know him or being aware of him recently.

  2. My brother had an invisible friend Cobbie and I wrote about him in a college essay. Good for John and his appreciation of Tudio's ideas.
