Friday, February 11, 2011

Pet Swap

We've officially swapped our fish for mice.  The enthusiasm that followed our first mouse sighting was quite memorable.  Clara was tingling all over.  She dove head first into the pantry to try to get her hands on them.  Although June hasn't seen them, she tells everyone about them.  I guess it's a positive sign that in her excitement, she forgets to mention the dead fish.


  1. 'Can't wait to hear about the NEXT "Pet Swap."

  2. Granddaughter just got a fish for her birthday. I wonder how long they live. I am not sure the parents will be as happy about the mice. But should they, I understand birdseed left unprotected attracts them :*)

  3. Hey Alice! I find it so relaxing to check into your blog, even though I know that living it is not particularly relaxing. You spoon throwing post completely cracked me up. I broke our refrigerator once, the door made me mad. It still doesn't close properly. We did have pet mice as kids. Unsurprisingly, three mice turned into about 35. That wasn't too bad, until we were moving the huge aquarium they lived in and ... a side panel broke. I am sure the descendents of the mice are still in that house. :-) best to all of you. debra

  4. I am still trying to catch the mice which have invaded my tea drawer in the kitchen. I am using the non kill bait traps. The sooner I get them out the better. Where there is on there are more. We don't need the diseases they carry. It is unnerving when one is in the trap - the shaking and rattling. It is easy to pick them up in a plastic bag for outside removal.
