Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The No-Hit Necklace

This morning, John directed my attention to his necklace:  "When I want to hit people, I can hold my necklace and it makes me calm.  It takes my hit away."

By habit, I was initially tempted to address John's all-too-present desire to hit.  But actually, if I'm honest enough to own it, I could use a calming necklace here and there myself.

We talk about "taking the hurt away," but why not gently take "the hit" away, too?  It's sort of the other side of the coin...

So, I am refreshed by John's honesty, and I have renewed affection for necklaces.


  1. This might be a business opportunity for certain governments.

  2. Hysterical --- ML's comment leads me to think it might be a great business opportunity - period. Remember the mood rings and "calming" rocks to soothe one's nerves, etc.?
