Monday, March 10, 2014

A Walk around a Lake

All too often, there is a strange glue that binds me to my house.  In particular, my kitchen, my washing machine, my inside clutter, my outside clutter, even the elusive higher purpose manifested in my computer.  But during my mornings with John, I work hard to push us out the door, and I am never sorry.

Recently, we ventured to Coot Lake.  It is a trail to avoid in heat or high winds, but on a clear blue sky day, it is transcendent.  In fact, John looks fittingly philosophical in every picture - peering into the distance, surveying the land, contemplating the sky.  In reality, he is probably looking for dragons or thinking about a rock in his shoe or counting the seconds before he will ask for an "uppie."

Actually, he was quite proud to walk the whole way.


  1. Beautiful pictures, Alice. It reminds me that I need to get myself "unglued" from the house & out into nature! xo

  2. I love your photos and adventures!

  3. Pure magic -- pictures, John, the scenery, the weather, the thoughts of John and of the "blogger." :)
