Saturday, January 29, 2011


We decided to put carpets in our three tiny kids bedrooms to make them a little more cozy.  So, the six of us loaded up in the van and drove to the Carpet Store.  Jeff and I were decisive.  Beige, soft, eco-corn -- done.

Then came the whining.  The kids ganged up - it was purple or bust.  And everyone in the store knew it.  The expression of entitlement, at a carpet store no less, rubbed Jeff and me the wrong way.

So we came up with a solution:  Finger-knitting.  I'm sure they'll finger-knit a lovely purple carpet.  Rainbow color for John.


  1. Mom and Dad came up with a perfect solution to a perfect storm :).

  2. Purple is not so just make it work! hahahaha

  3. our entire basement is purple - the boys' bedroom, the hallway and the rec room. I was the one who threw the fit though, not the kids! Good for you - it's tough to not give in, especially in public. Rock on!
