Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fifty Jo Gina

For Christmas this year, Santa brought a fish tank.  Now well into the New Year, it finally holds some fish.

Jeff describes that process of picking out the fish at the pet store as some cruel Russian Roulette.  And it proved true.  Will's Sucker Fish and Clara's "Black Molly" survived, but June's "50 Jo Gina" did not fare so well.

I hope we're not putting some horrible bacteria into Boulder Creek, but flushing it down the toilet just wouldn't do for June.  So June is convinced that 50 Jo Gina came back to life in the water.  (Will authoritatively affirmed her belief, based on his expert knowledge of Greek Mythology.)

Anyway, 51 Jo Gina will soon join us.  Hopefully, she will stay for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Easter has arrived at Boulder Creek. Welcome, 51 Jo Gina.
