o One family drove North out of Telluride, instead of South, for at least an hour;
o Someone took a walk from our VRBO, and then overshot the house by over 2 miles, turning a 3 mile walk into 8;
0 Someone was stuck in a parking garage with 2 kids for over an hour with a dead cell phone, not knowing where to meet the rest of us;
0 Someone remembered to bring 6 journals, 5 books, unused sewing projects & knitting projects, but forgot underwear and jackets. And it snowed, sleeted & hailed in Telluride for 3 days;
0 Someone carted 8 kids home from camp with an unhitched, dragging bike rack;
0 Someone drove 9 miles to a beautiful destination that was 10 miles away;
o Some very tired children woke at 6 AM to fingerknit (as mentioned earlier); and
o Many people tried repeatedly to pacify the children with ice cream, milk shakes, chocolate bars, cookies.
Honestly, there have been more embarassing mishaps. Like the time we ran out of gas in our rental car on "Alligator Alley" heading for the airport in Miami, with 4 kids, and totally missed our flight. Luckily, we were so relaxed from vacationing that it hardly phased us.
I guess that's the point.
I laughed and laughed and identified EVERY SINGLE misshap and the person/persons involved. These are the kinds of events that make vacations memorable :).