Thursday, January 8, 2015

Holiday Creations: Suspended Art

Creativity came easily to us this holiday in the oh-so popular form of "suspended art." We had banners, flags, ornaments, paper chains, lights of course, snowflakes, ribbons, stars, and wreaths.  Even children (see below), all hanging from high places.

Below is a sampling of our work.  Mind you, these are pretty simple creations.  Basically, it's "grab something that looks holiday-ish, and hang it."  But, I do like suspended art.  It keeps one looking up!

Paper snowflakes:

Paper Stars:

Sawed off pieces of branches with drilled holes in the middle, hung by cordaged ribbon (wow, Clara!):

Musical stars and balls:

Pine cones and odd shapes of foil and tape:

Mexican balls on a branch:

Spruce needles, gold ribbon and stars:

Paper chains:

And, last by not least, John:


  1. Glad everyone is hanging in there,so to speak, celebrating as you do

  2. Glad to see and read about your holiday hangings:).
