I usually take on the haircuts in our household. I am attached to the idea for numerous reasons: It saves gillions of trips to the haircut place. It saves money. And it can be a sweet ritual at home.
But recently, the haircut did not go so well. I saw that it was not working, but did not immediately react... I was sure I could just hold the trimmer differently, or hold his hair differently and make it right. It took me a while to realize I'd forgotten to attach an essential part, without which the result is skinhead. Sweet John sat there so innocently, looking out the window. Clueless.
I imagine two opposing motherly states of mind. One is hyper-aware, alert to everything. Sometimes painfully aware. Reacting in a split second. The other is a blindly persistent view, determined to forge forward, even through a sea of obstacles. Next time, I'll be sure I'm in that first state before I pick up the trimmer. We did get to enjoy some nice "Flock of Seagull" video comparisons out of the deal.
Poor John! Glad it's in the back!!!s