Thursday, February 9, 2012

The American Consumer

On Monday mornings, I make a big grocery run with my very enthusiastic partner (see above) John.  Another day of the week, we usually make some other purchasing errand.  Buying for our family of six, during the mid-week workday hours, I always feel like a Big American Consumer.  After reading Radical Homemakers, (Why does that title make me uncomfortable?) by Shannon Hayes, I feel very aware of my dependencies.  

On the other hand, I do consider it special time with John.  I've actually always (almost always) loved the intimate trips to the store with babies of a certain age.  However, John is reaching beyond that certain age, and our trips tend to be a mad dash to beat his limit.

Good consumers that we are, we reward our consumption with... more consumption.  Nothing like vanilla milk, a Luna bar, drawing circles, and looking out the Target window to the parking lot.  

Far in the distance, if you look closely, there are.... mountains.


  1. I love it Alice. I particularly love the juxtaposition of your prior post about the nature table with the trip to Target. A little of this, a little of that. Somehow you make even the mundane feel meaningful.

    1. Thanks Lori! I always think of you with that book. Does it still echo in your head, too?
