Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trust in a New Year's Hike

I have been itching to go on a New Year's hike, but sicknesses and schedules put us behind.  Finally, on Monday, we managed (barely) to get out of the house and venture to Boulder Valley Ranch.

As we looped, the temperature dropped.  We kept up our momentum with the lure of heat and pizza.  Still, I have come to trust our hikes.

I trust that they broaden my mind, and give me a sense of freedom and of faith.  I trust that they bring expected pleasures, like finding mica or unearthing the perfect stick/sword/bow.  I trust that they bring unexpected pleasures, like the games that the kids make up or curiosities that arise from the landscape. And finally, even with the frequent absence of perfect harmony, I do trust in these hikes to pull us towards each together.

1 comment:

  1. What lovely photos! If I didn't have way too many quilts standing in line to be made, I would be tempted to turn that picture of the 3 children from the back into a quilt. Maybe you've seen photos of my "from the back" two quilts made of our 3 grandsons! And then that photo of little brother peeking out--classic! Loved these.
