Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To Take a Walk - Part I

Clara and John and I recently took a walk.  It was so beautiful, I was swept up with the feeling that a daily walk is the answer to all my woes.  (Correction.  I am reading "Half the Sky" and I cannot sit with claiming any real woes.)

I remember having similar epiphanies at various (younger) stages in life:
  • "All I want in life is to live in a place where I can go cross country skiing every day!"
  • "If I can just wake up outside every morning of my life, or at least with my face in an open window, I will be a happy person."
In the days that followed, I secretly took a walk every day and recorded something about each one.  Then I planned to take pictures of every walk and put it in a book with all the uplifting thoughts that came along the way.  (Very interesting reading, I'm sure.  Not repetitive at all!)  OK - so that lasted maybe six days.  Then the weather got cold.

I still feel inspired to share a little bit about my recent walks, an unfettered indulgence I can do here.  I still feel like I'm a happier person every time I fit a walk into my day, but I'm dropping my daily photos, "deep thoughts," and strict regimen that potentially squeeze out the joy.

Anyway, here is the first in a (brief) series.  That first walk with Clara and John really was transporting.  We walked in the spring snow, in the mountains, in the quiet, with birds and trees and a stream and the mountain air.  I wouldn't mind taking that walk, with that company, for all of my days to come.


  1. What beautiful scenery. I can just imagine how wonderful that walk was and with such good company.

  2. You do live in beautiful country. I always like bad weather so I have an excuse to stay inside to color!
