Tuesday, March 8, 2011


These days, you have to be an insider to understand John.  "Trash truck" and "dadda" sound remarkably similar.   "Bu" can mean "bus," "book," "boobs," or "brother."

Honestly, in our house you need insider knowledge for more than just John.  Driving in the car today, June asks "What's eleven?"  The answer was "one and one."

Other insider talk morphs into Legend.  Shortly after Will was born, we heard "Who's Batman?" echoing over and over through our house.  We were in a fog of confusion, until it was clear that a certain grandfather was working a crossword puzzle.  Eight years later, that was the last thing my husband just said to me before turning out his light.


  1. Are those two pictured the "insider " queen and jester ?

  2. And I am making a Batman gift and this very moment...synergy
