Sunday, October 10, 2010

Family Art

This weekend, the seasons changed. I have loved our warm weather days - the biking and hiking and river sloshing. I could do that stuff forever. And parenting is so much... smoother in the summer, with all the fresh air and running around outside.

But still, a part of me looks forward to the cold weather. Here are a few reasons why:

  • There's not so much conflict about what to do. Without the pull of summer sunshine, the choices are a little more limited, so it's easier to just sit around, read, eat.
  • I like winter cooking - making soups, breads, hot chocolate.
  • The shorter days means it's a lot easier to get everyone to bed, maybe even with time enough for a movie after.
  • We light more candles, have fires, wear slippers, drink tea, cuddle up in blankets.
  • The weather pulls us together. We stay closer to each other. Maybe even talk a little more. Read more. Play games. Do puzzles.
  • I love winter outdoor activity - skiing, hiking, sledding, ice skating. But honestly, I don't get my hopes up too much. For one, I have to gear myself up for the winter layers on the kids. And often in the divide and conquer parenting, I get the young ones, i.e. those who aren't quite up for serious winter activity.
  • Finally, I get to imagine that I'll actually finish, ok begin, all the sedentary projects I think about doing all the time.
All that said, today we resumed a cold weather ritual that I love: family art time. The girls both focused on color and hearts. Will worked in his art journal, which is filled with black and white sketches and designs. I cut vegetables for soup (that's art, right?) and drew things I hope to sew some day. And Jeff nursed his soccer injury and helped June. John slept, thus family art time.

I know that I'll long for summer days, starting easily in January. But for now, I am anticipating the old pleasures that the new season brings.


  1. I love the coziness of winter which you described so well. Just hope we stay healthy in it!. Needed the snow jackets in Maine this weekend!

  2. Can't wait to see and be in the new season with you.
