Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Seventies

Today, we time traveled to the 70s.

First, everyone is singing songs from "Free to be You and Me":
Will: "Round and Around in a Circle..."
Clara: (taunting) "A Doll, a Doll, Junie wants a Doll."
June: "It's Alright to Cry."
Me: "Mommy's are People."

Second, in what just seems like a 70s activity, Will is groovin' on felting. (A friend suggested this weekend that it sounds like some sort of shady teenage behavior.) He parades around the house all afternoon, poking a needle through wool into a foam box and shazam! He made a Greek monster dragon with two heads!

Third, the kids jumped on the trampoline tonight after a hailstorm, framed by a rainbow. It reminded me of one of those slow motion, psychadelic 70s jumping scenes.

But then there is more: Clara's Olivia Newton John headband style, Will's hairdo, June's clothes, June's insistence that we call her Sparkle, and my own partial nudity to feed my always hungry baby (maybe I'm reaching into the 60s).

Anyway, all day I felt transported, and it cracked me up. Maybe it's a virtue of getting older: the ability to time travel to many different decades, and then the chance to crack up.

Laden, the two-headed felt dragon:
Effects of Spring Hail:
And then this:


  1. I love trampolines and felting. Just sang Spoonful of sugar, Zippity Doo Dah, Annie's Tomorrow and it's a Small World w 4 year old grand along w YouTube's music and words. So it IS a small world. Synergy reigns. You spread the fun! Amazing Will and that poking craft.

  2. I'm glad to be reminded about what the 70's were like. Somehow I seemed to skim through them, overlooking, or choosing to avoid, the 70's culture. It was fun to have YOU remind me and to dip into the "small world" that was and is bringing the era back.Wonderful kiddos and their imaginations and remarks!
