Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

On this day, we made resolutions, poems and a bike trek to school, all to honor our Earth. The bike ride with Will & Clara was memorable. I've made this ride with them many times pulling them in the burley or a trailer or a seat. But this was their first time to do their own pedaling, the whole way. When I wasn't stressing out about time (would we get there before school is out?), it was quite a magical 1, almost 2 hour ride. Here are some highlights:
  • Will led the pack, Clara rode in the middle, and I trailed in the back. Will rode ahead, stopping often with a sweet smile and wave to say he was waiting, much like the smile and wave he gave us from the stage the night before during his 2nd grade play.
  • Clara fell and got lots of dirt in her mouth, but didn't seem to mind. It was all about keeping up with Will.
  • It rained during the night, we dodged lots of worms. Thus the dirt in Clara's mouth.
  • Clara's helmet itched her head a lot. She claimed it was allergies.
  • About 1/2 mile in, Will desperately wanted to retrieve his forgotten gloves that we'd talked about bringing all morning.
  • On Boulder Creek, Will parked his bike to take a little hike. Clara desperately followed, both oblivious to time.
  • Clara looked so little. Will too, really. Her little feet sped around so fast on her gearless bike. She hunched forward, low to the ground, but standing up on the hills, fearless.
At school, they crowded in and signed the "Biked to School" poster, their names so little and cute among the other do-gooders. Then all too quickly, they joined the masses, filing in towards their classrooms. Though I have two others waiting for me with Jeff in the car, I hate to see them go... But I feel thankful. And happy. I had them to myself in the early morning hour, riding through back trails of our town, looking at worms and puddles and rivers, pedaling fast in the chilly air, feeling love for life on our beautiful planet Earth.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today, the birds that live where the girls have swimming lessons inspired us - in the trees and on the page. Not hard to see why.

The Inspiration

Birds in Trees

Birds on Paper

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today, we made plans to paint Will's room. He's on fire. He's going to paint the walls like an ocean, with his bed a boat, sailing in the middle of the room. I've decided to let him go for it, minus the trim and the floor.

This afternoon, we traveled to the paint store, two on bikes, two in a stroller. Standing before all the samples, it was quite beautiful. I'm ready to paint the house a meadow filled with wildflowers.

The Plan

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wheat Grass and Drowning Seeds

We've been making small strides in the garden. We have many seeds growing -- tomatoes, basil, carrots, pumpkin, squash, and flowers (don't even really know what kinds) -- yet very few seedlings. May have something to do with the fascinating water bottle spray... We also are trying to grow wheat grass. We'll see how that goes. Can't really go wrong when you're playing in dirt!

Friday, April 16, 2010

June Turned FOUR

It was June's birthday this week. Ah, beautiful girl.... Here are some moments I want to remember:
  • June wore her birthday crown, all day long.
  • The day began with a song to wake everyone up to go for a special breakfast. Will went from sound asleep to singing with us in about 2 seconds.
  • It actually hurt just to watch Clara get her tangles brushed out for a haircut.
  • June asked me to tell everyone we saw that it was her birthday.
  • At the park, June asked me to call her "June the four year old," or "June 4" for short.
  • June thought she was taller the minute she turned 4. (I think all kids harbor that assumption.)
  • June says that since she's 4, she doesn't like babies any more. Yeah, right!
  • June fell asleep giving her new baby a bottle.
  • Will's card to June read:
"Dear June, I really like your charictaristicks and feelings. I hope your are having a great Birthday. I hope you like the paper dolls I made for you. Hope your having a greate one! From Will. p.s. you were a great 3 year old."

Please forgive the outpouring of pictures! I went a little crazy!

Birthday breakfast:
Birthday Haircuts:

BBirthday Zucchini Bread Cake (heavy on the chocolate chips):

Birthday Play at the Baby Store:

Birthday Party at School:

Birthday Party Time at Home:

We love you, Margaret June!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Loose Ends

I am trying to wrap up my winter projects to face forward into spring. So, it's mid-April, and I'm sewing on turtlenecks! I added the flower for Clara and the butterfly for June. Will's labyrinth is coming. On a T-shirt.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Will Factory

We are all getting ready for birthdays, with June's coming up this week! Will's creative juices are especially flowing. (He actually has a constant flow...) He made Paper Dolls for June and a Riddle Book for Clara. He also made the cute shirt that June wore today, all knotted up on the sides.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Leaf Bird Report

And... our decorations for the preschool auction turned out pretty sweet. Can you find the leaf birds?

In the Garden - Good and Evil

Today, we made progress outside. I think this will be the year that we finally get rid of the rock pile in our front yard. We cleared out weeds and other gnarly intruders and made space for spring flowers.
Will and Clara embraced their common goal, clipping away to make a tree fort. June was a master sweeper, and John helped by sleeping.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pottery and a Preschool Party

Today was a blast of creativity. It began with a Saturday morning pottery class with Clara. Meanwhile, the others built elaborate block sculptures, inspired by John. Then June helped me set up (and finish making) the decorations for her preschool auction. It was an all day affair.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Flat Tires and 1/2 Wrap Dancing

Today, someone made our flat tire go away, while Clara, June, John & I played at the park across the street.
June also made up some elegant dances in her 1/2 wrap skirt.