Thursday, December 29, 2016

Lined Up Colorful

Just before the holidays, my family took a trip.  We combined a cheap flight to Vegas with a road trip to Southern California, to put our feet in the ocean in 2016.

Our hours driving through the desert did the trick to strip us down, of something.  There aren't many variables in the desert.  But lots of raw beauty.  The earth sits so still and dry, conserving all its energy, while this band of highway cuts through, cars and trucks speeding with abandon.   At a rest stop, Will and John kicked the soccer ball, the only kinetic energy around, while locals sat and watched.  We left food for someone there who's mind had left her, but she had much to say.  I wonder how she survives.  

Bits of color create such contrast.  The blue sky gets the glory, but at one point, we saw a row of bright balloons, lined up like tourists beside the train tracks.  They stood witness to all the traffic, foreground to the desert scene.  Hours later, my family lined up in just the same fashion on the beach, witnessing the awe of the ocean.  Bobbing beings, looking out on a stark landscape of sand and sea and sky.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

In Their Hands

Currently, at my household, there is a serious nail-biting habit.  Every time I look, someone is furiously chewing at whatever is left of their fingers.  I try to hold their hands a lot.  Those hands, so engaged with the world.